Monday, February 19, 2007




Sky Lagoon


PostBox Singapore

Trying my art on Post Boxes Competition in Singapore. Which the Postal company need to
beautify the main district Post Box with arts. Sound fun and I'm pretty excited about it. Here
is my piece with some interpretation which goes like this...
My experimental style called OrganIcon. As for this piece, title Formation. The idea relate individual community which constantly changes and communicating each other to all sort of possibility. All link as one in one form or the other, constantly in flux, evolving. Shopping and business district is my main choice as these area represent ever changes flux in creativity concept. Nothing remain the same which reflect what my work functionality. As final work given, will change on the actual event but from a foundation base, evolve. The look: asymmetric compositions in contour movement. Choice of color use: white, bright orange and pink to give a vibrant, fresh and bold which represent growth, aura of flux and evolutionarily.
Decade of experimenting, please refer my blogs for other works.

Oh yeah in case, here the site from the postal company

Big Piece Wall

Took me three weeks to produce. Little by little adding them before going to sleep.
Plus the fact that I'm back at 9 to 5 job to pay my material and others finances.

Close Up on what is happening. Little creatures form swelling across

Like these part of the form, as in ginseng like creatures.

This is the final look. Pretty pack with life!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Drawing Collection

Morning Dew
These three drawing was done in the morning,
right after I got up from my bed without
brushing my teeth. Completely fresh and
thoughtless mind. Every morning I slowly
draw them part by part. So "Morning Dew"
would be a good title for these pieces.

This piece was done in an urge of drawing with my hand.

Last years drawing. Looking thru my old drawing sets
and found this one out. Surprise piece don't
even remember when I did this.

Drawing on a large board

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Grand Color

Christmas Greeting